Youth and Adolescents

Youth and Adolescents

Did you know? Jesus said extraordinary things about young people, for example, that it is possible to live with joy even though the world around us is collapsing, that we have the strength to change things, and that no matter how uncertain the future may seem, there is hope. But there's more: Jesus said that each of us was created with a unique intention. No one can live your life, you are special, in fact, more than special, you are necessary for this world. As young people, it is sometimes difficult for us to organize the ideas in our heads and doubts assail us, but who doesn't? If we are clear about one thing, it is that each person's life has a purpose.

Perhaps for a long time now you have sensed that there must be something more than what your eyes see and what your ears hear, that there must be a grain of hope somewhere that there must be something certain to trust, in fact, that there must be someone you can trust. Many young people like you are experiencing this “path” and that is why every Saturday we get together to talk about all these things and spend time together. If you want to come, you are invited.

Youth and adolescent meeting: (Overide)

Saturdays 6:30 p.m. (From September to June)

Summer activities to consult.


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